Your most personal lens

Last Update: July 12, 2010

One of my favorite things to read every day is Kimberly's Morning Coffee at SquidU.  Kimberly is a Squidoo staffperson, and keeps everybody up to date and motivated.   This week she is asking for our most personal lenses.  Here is the one I submitted 

A Lifetime of Favorite Music

These are not usually money-makers, but as you already know, my work is not always money-motivated.  Sometimes I just simply have something to say -- and from my senior perspective, I hope somehow my children, grandchildren and other young folk will learn something from my life.  

And so, today, I encourage you to read Kimberly's Morning Coffee every day and create a lens this week that expresses who you really are. 


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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for sharing this Joan. You have a beautiful family. I felt honored and touched to be invited into your life. Thanks. It was great!
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks, Moonvine. I really like your sense of balance and joy in what you're doing. And I LOVE the lens you shared. Documenting a lifetime of music...and in such a tender, honest, and celebratory way. Wow. It must have been a devastating experience for your husband AND you when he lost his eyesight in the 80's. BTW, we have something in common: my brood is "The Adams Family" also. I use my maiden name here, since I am in the midst of changing back to it. Thanks for a great blog, Moonvine!