Misc, WA Action Plan

Last Update: May 31, 2010

To do or not to do...

That is REALY a huge question

Im 1.5 hours in.. and im trying to finish some tasks, but Im having a bit of a dilemma.. 

I dont like to cheat...

And cheating u r self must be the lowest form for cheating.

               So.. to prevent myself from cheating, im posting this so i can remember to get back to them when it's time.

Best idea ever. LOL                 

Send Your Friends and Family an Email About WA

I dont wanna promt it before i have used it. I know this sounds a bit strange consider me wanna be an affiliate.. But seriously.. to friends and family... Not going to happen until i've made some money

Add at least 5 New Buddies in Your WA Space

It's a bit hard to find buddies right away.. I got 1 yeyy

and i dont feel comfortable going around and say " Hey, wanna be my buddy?"

Im sure im going to have many buddy's at WA in time :=)

Lesson 1: 1/6-10

Status of lesson 2:

             Send Your Friends and Family an Email About WA
1/6-10 Create Your WA Space (pictures, about me, etc)
1/6-10  Add at least 5 New Buddies in Your WA Space
1/6-10  Make Your Introduction in the WA Forum
1/6-10 Understand the process of how Internet marketing.. etc etc
1/6-10 Familiarize yourself with WA Jobs


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