Posts by Nessa 3
July 10, 2010
Ok, I admit ... I wandered off for a while and lost my focus on the training bit and yeah ( I deserve a smack in the hand, naughty me!  =) It feels like I have to go back to some pages of the training again because I forgot where I'm up to and need to get my concentration back so I can keep on going!  Oh well, it happens!  Right?  Ok now that I'm back!  I just hope I can follow what needs to be done and have a better understanding
June 17, 2010
I've spent all my free times, days off, after work, before I go to work and before I go to bed... into reading and going through all these resources that were given to us and it makes you feel overwhelmed but when you get into putting all these ( I meant what I've learnt) into action ... IT IS MUCH HARDER THAN I THOUGHT ... well atleast for a person who had no experience into making money online, I guess ... I'm only doing this as
June 08, 2010
It's all new for me, new web environment, new friends, new terminologies, new mind set.  I have embarked on a very fresh journey to internet marketing here at WA, thanks to the invitation of a friend.  WA has opened doors for me which I look forward to with a lot of hope and expectation.  There will be some ups and downs (as nothing is perfect in any endeavour) but I believe being with WA is a great advantage.   So, am now off to do my lessons and homework.     &nbs