Being On My Own

Last Update: June 17, 2010

I've spent all my free times, days off, after work, before I go to work and before I go to bed... into reading and going through all these resources that were given to us and it makes you feel overwhelmed but when you get into putting all these ( I meant what I've learnt) into action ... IT IS MUCH HARDER THAN I THOUGHT ... well atleast for a person who had no experience into making money online, I guess ... I'm only doing this as a part time job as I still need my other job to survive and hopefully one day, I'll be like one of those guys/ members who doesn't have to worry about going to work early, having night shifts and going to work on the weekend as I wanna be able to spend time with my son and watch him play his game which happens only every weekend. 

Being on my own, with no one to ask some help from except for a friend (who is only new here at WA as well ,who showed me the basics and helped me with some bits and pieces.  It was really a great help)... can be sometimes frustrating as you get stuck with all these jargons you heard before but don't really know what these are or what these are for and how to use these... such and such ... 

I just wanted to post this to see if there's anybody out there who can relate what I've been going through and get some bits of motivation that I am not alone and we can do this! It just takes time!

And for those who'd  passed this stage, please dont give up on us! We really need your help and hoping to share your blessings by giving us some advices, answer to our questions and if you are more than willing, grab us by the hand and walk us through this.

Thank you so much.

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ktkd18 Premium
I know exactly how you feel, I'm a stay at home dad and only get 2 hours max during the day to get on line or do anything else. I've found I'm staying up until 1-2 a.m. just trying to get my head around everything, best of luck with this I hope it works out for you.
jatdebeaune Premium
You have so much help now at your avail. What is really rough is trying to do this work with absolutely no one to bounce things off of. That's how the tricky gurus get you. All the best to you.
Shaselle Premium
I've gone through the same phase as you are (see my blog 2). Walk away for a bit and recharge.:) Having your blog set up is way ahead than the other newbie (that's your plus). Now all you need is find your niche, do your blog, write articles (ezine give good lessons). As for other questions, go to forum and find the topics specific to your questions (more likely you will find it there). If not, place your concerns over at the FORUM (it's classified so you shouldn't get lost) and the community will help you. Cheers!
Sherion Premium
I have been here for 3 weeks today. Yes, it is overwhelming. But, I am taking this one step at a time. I am just starting lesson 4. I am probably slow compared to some other people but I am trying my best to absorb it all in. I do look over my past lessons for review just to see how far I have come and I feel that I have learned so much. This is like going to college again and learning a whole new field. You hang in there. You are not alone. There are many buddies here to help. I added you as a buddy and if you need anything that I can help with I will gladly try. Best of wishes to you.
ana_nimoss Premium
I have been here for a month and can't believe how much I have been reading...yes, it is really overwhelming, and it is easy to get lost even within action plans and stuff.... however, I think I get a better bigger picture now. You are not alone, but I think you have to ask specific questions for people to be able to help you. Knowing what to ask is also hard! Good luck, and I would love to be your buddy. Can't help much, but I was told that I am a good cheerleader... Best wishes.