About Newwave1972
Joined July 2009
I have made one thing happen in my life time, turned a unprofitable garage into an 30 car/day profitable one. Now I am going to succeed as an Internet Marketer. If you would like to succeed as well you need this kind of attitude because weather you think you can or you can't you are probably right. This is what I am going into 2010 with and I hope you do also because I know for a fact this is the year of the Affiliates.
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e-MarketingGuy Premium
I'd say that the key to success online comes right after you hit your rock bottom...because then you're willing to do whatever it takes with whatever you've got....are you ready?
e-MarketingGuy Premium
It will! If you ever need help let me know./
newwave1972 Premium
I would fortunately say you are right and I hope I am there and it goes up from here in 2010
Dennis Premium
Hey nice work you' v done over there. Don't worry the recession is artificial and so is your success. Joining W.A and with resources offered will give you the power to accomplish anything you want. All the best. Feel free to hit me up if you need some assistance.
tsmtih71 Premium
Welcome to wealthy affiliate!! You're not alone any more.
BranLan17 Premium
Hello there Newwave! I'm Brandon and I like to meet and greet our new people ; ) Glad you decided join WA and embark on this long and rewarding journey. Welcome to the community, I'm also pretty new to the program but I highly suggest you stick to your 8 week action plan and spend some time in the learning center to absorb the great information here! Also check out my post about "Progress Buddies" on the General Success forum as I think it is an invaluable system to getting started! If you want to try your hand at making a little money while learning I would also check out www.bummarketingmethod.com which is free and helps you get started marketing for money with no investment. Best of luck to you and I'll buddy you so you can contact me if you have any questions!
newwave1972 Premium
Hello to all I sure hope that this will fix my problem I feel all alone in the marketing scheme thank you to all and Tissa for getting me to get involved with you.
newwave1972 Premium
Hey guys check out my history on the 500 dollar challege Long Road it might make you laugh or bring back horrific stories check it out if you got a minute.
newwave1972 Premium
I have a niche not sure where to go from here looking in the forum do not see any thing right away or if it is later in the lessons will wait only in week one do not want to get ahead of my self already alot of info and somewhat confused.
newwave1972 Premium
After I go to work today I am on vacation for a week looking to get alot done really excited I will be in touch goal is to finish 10 articles by end of week.
newwave1972 Premium
I guess I have to take a break my dog wants to go out, took a picture of him he is cute my buddy one of the reasons I do what I do. Check him out on my page talk to you guys later.
newwave1972 Premium
Vacation is almost over this is a bummer, the bright note is that one I have got out 6 articles with 3 more days to go 10 is the goal before I go back. Also I figured out how to use Squidoo boy do I feel stupid it's actually pretty easy.