Not A Good Day

Last Update: April 29, 2010

Well this has not been a very good month for me first I get Google that is making my life a living hell.  They pretty much killed both of my campaigns for now.  That sucks because I was actually making sales for WA and better yet for myself it really started to come together.


Then I look at my Affiliate Program for WA and not 1 not 2 but 6 people decided to waste my time and join and then back out.  They did not even have the dedication to give this a shot.  I guess just like Carson or Kyle said a flea just hopping to the next best thing.  That is a very disappointing  way to way up in the morning seeing that you lost $120. 


You know what I did when I saw this?  I started back at article marketing because this made money real tight once again.  I didn't cry in my beer and say that this system sucks.  I didn't quit because some "Guru" said there is a better way that Wealthy Affiliate.  I thought outside the box and thought of some ways to generate money so that I can get my PPC ads up and running again then I can laugh at Google and those 6 idiots who quit.  You know why?  Because I am a winner not a quitter. 


There is a lot of controversy  that I am seeing in the forum today that there is no help at WA for the newbies.  Then there is another thread going around stating that the information in this website is outdated.  For the first one I GUARANTEE that if you buddy up with any member under the rank of 300 that they will buddy back and give you personal support when they can.  The second thing is that there are always new tutorials poping up on this site that are teaching me new ways to try and make money. 

2 Rules:

  1. This is not going to happen overnight.
  2. You have to be able to want to make money there is no free handouts at WA.  Although we will give you the yellow brick road though.



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katkatskitchen Premium
Napoleon Hill says that most of the people that he interviewed got their biggest successes after having their biggest failures.
Alex Copeland Premium
Nicely put on both points. And don't let them get you down. If you want something bad enough it WILL happen. And as for the help I agree, there are some awesome people here on WA... but you have to remember they are doing this for themselves too... personally I help where I can, but I need to take action on my own stuff to make money too :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Never could understand what the complainers are talking about. If someone can teach me IM, they can teach a brick. This site is full of applicable information. Also, people here knock themselves out to help fellow members. I like to refer people to PPG's material, because she is brilliant about getting people started.
Char Premium
Very thought provoking blog. I enjoyed it. Actually, I needed it.