Happy First Day of Spring and Happy Article Mania

Last Update: March 20, 2010

It is 72 glorious degrees here in formerly rainy/snowy New England.  Yippee Hooray, it's the first official day of Spring!!

 So, some of you know that I was in total paralysis the other day.  I'm cured.  I'm out.  I have returned to IM civilization and I cranked out 6 articles in the last 24 hours.  That's a record for me.  The one who took 3 days to write a single 400 word article.  

Paralysis no more!!! 

 I have to thank my make-believe adopted boys again, Pete and Mike for Evolution of a Sale.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE these videos.  EOS is totally my salvation.

 Happy Spring everybody... 


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Slugger_mn Premium
BaSeBaLl SeAsOn!!! I cant even explain how excited I am that it is nice out!!!!! I am really glad that you like EOS! We have some big plans for a "Makeover" and adding some new videos VERY soon!! So get ready to sit on your can and learn some more goodies(: haha
Not2Late Premium
yes... it was high 60's for a coupla days then low 70's yesterday - back to low 50's today which is normal for this time of year.

And indeed I will hunt you down when I am in the weeds :)

thanks...very much!
sox1n05 Premium
72 degrees???? Holy cow! We had a 35 and snow showers yesterday - that was HORRIBLE!!! Today is a bit better, but still mid 40's - ugh. I'm glad to see that you're pulling through OK. As always, let us know if you need anything!
thulsey Premium
It was a great spring day here too. Happy spring.
jatdebeaune Premium
Gorgeous here too. Daffodils are leaping out of the ground. Glad things are flowing writing wise. Happy spring!