Posts by Ourbiz 8
December 16, 2009
 I just wanted to say goodbye to all my buddies.  I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   That is my way of saying I wish you all the best no matter what holiday you celebrate.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year is my tradition. I'm not quitting internet marketing, I've learned a lot here.  I'll be back when I am making consistent sales and can support my membership with my marketing.  
November 02, 2009
I'm feeling a little groggy this morning.  I worked until 3:am this morning and back up at 8:30.  I did a lot of article writing and created one Squidoo lens.  I'm trying to get the concept of keywords and relevancy straight in my mind. I think when I write I just assume that everyone knows what I'm talking about. The curse of knowledge about a subject is what this is called in 4dmmb. I'm doing bum marketing and so far I have not seen any sales.  I have to stop for now and d
October 28, 2009
I had a time learning SiteRubix in the beginning.  WA has the most helpful people in the forum.  Anytime I got stumped I would go to the forum and search exactly what the problem was and Wa La!  there was the answer. Now I enjoy using Site Rubix , of course  I'm still just a beginner but using this tool with the WA site made things so much  easier. Next I need to learn how to upload files from my computer to my WA website using coolftp.  How hard can it be? I wish e
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October 27, 2009
I moved my domain name I've had for about eight years from WA hosting to my new hosting.  I've set up my new hosting account and started another site from scratch. I've purchased a new domain to point to WA hosting.   All my pages on WA hosting are working again.  That is it so far today, except for adding several affiliate links in mylinker.   I had a couple sites that had a lot of views but no sales.  I'm hoping mylinker will help with this problem
October 24, 2009
Last night I signed up with HostGator, forwarded my domain from WA to HostGator  and installed Wordpress on the site. I've been studying Pot Pie Girl, Wealthy Affiliate, and a couple others.  Basically I have 4 different information sources.  The longer I am in internet marketing  the more I learn, and the more action I take.   I think as long as I'm moving forward and not just standing still,(researching without action) I will eventually succeed.
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Ok,  I finally decided on a product and did a keyword search with the kw tool at Wealthy Affiliate and also Google.  I checked the amount of searches for my keywords that I picked.  I then did a search on Google to check the competition and page rank of the first page natural listings.  It looked great so I went to Squidoo and searched for my niche and there was none.  I created a lens on the product. I wrote an article about the product  to place on Ezinearticles.&
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I have been learning about Squidoo and making lenses with Pot Pie Girl's information. Learning about and making backlinks. Writing articles and blogging some. Now I'm ready to get back into my Wealthy Affiliate course for a few days. This is the only way I can keep from getting confused and panicking. I learn a technique, take a break and implement it somewhere else. I need to find out how everyone organizes their work to speed things up.   I would love to be one of these people who i
September 18, 2009
I  have number one and number two listing on Google for my keyword, also number four,five and six on the same page.  I  can't wait for the money to start rolling in   : )  Time to place some more articles and ads. Happy Marketing everyone!