Great! Site Rubix is Back

Last Update: October 28, 2009

I had a time learning SiteRubix in the beginning.  WA has the most helpful people in the forum.  Anytime I got stumped I would go to the forum and search exactly what the problem was and Wa La!  there was the answer.

Now I enjoy using Site Rubix , of course  I'm still just a beginner but using this tool with the WA site made things so much  easier.

Next I need to learn how to upload files from my computer to my WA website using coolftp.  How hard can it be?

I wish everyone a blessed and profitable internet marketing experience.


Be strong and take heart all you who hope in the Lord!

Psalm 31:24 NIV


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K.Wayne Premium
Welcome aboard and don't give up. I too am knew at all of this and working part time at it. There is lots to learn but there is wonderful help to be had here. Wonderful to see someone else on here that, has their thoughts and heart on our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!

May you also have a blessed and profitable business here.

Phil. 4: 13 NKJ