What's Next?

Last Update: July 14, 2010

Another roadblock. Well, not really. I'm just not sure which direction to take from here. I've got 5 lenses on squidoo, all linking to one product on clickbank, and 5 articles on ezine. I've done some work on one of the lenses to have it rank higher, and it's now at #19 (I wrote #8 on my previous post, but that's on google.ca and not google.com...). Now I'm going to try to boost that ranking to page 1, and see if I get any organic traffic to my lens. 

But I'm a little apprehensive about doing all that work for the other 4 lenses. Wouldn't it be simpler to just set up my own website and only have to do backlinking work for ONE site instead of 5? Is it really that much easier to get a decent pagerank with a squidoo site than a brand new one? I'm also starting to doubt the product I chose; it doesn't have a great gravity and I'm running out of ideas (and inspiration) for article writing. But am I giving up too soon?

So now the question remains: what's next? Should I start another OWM campaign on Squidoo, or move on? I'd like to learn how to make my own webpage, but I like the idea of "testing" a niche with a test lens (or test campaign) before I build a webpage that might flop. I'm losing confidence in the effectiveness of these Squidoo campaigns. 

 An action plan that might work:

-Get that one lens to page 1 of google and then see what happens. If I start getting decent organic traffic and maybe some sales, then it might be worth trying to boost the ranking of the other 4 lenses. Otherwise, I might flush this campaign that is starting to drain my energy.

-If I decide to move on, make a test page on weebly.com or hubpages.com. I have been hearing that these pages rank higher than squidoo (can anyone confirm this?) and could use this as a test for a new niche market and new product. I will also have to decide if I want to stick to selling clickbank products or real, tangible products. 

-If that test webpage works out and actually makes some sales, then move on to creating my first WordPress site. This will probably be quite time consuming because I'm assuming there's alot more to it than building a page on Squidoo. It will likely involve alot more backlinking work as well (another reason why I would prefer to test the market out before I put all that time/energy into creating a site and backlinks to it). 

 So what do you guys think? Any suggestions, comments? It really helps me when I have a direction and a plan of action because otherwise I am unmotivated and not willing to do any work that might not get me anywhere. 

Please share your ideas, thanks guys!



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