First Page for my Keyword!

Last Update: July 12, 2010

In one more day and a few more article postings, I've gone from #25 to....*drumroll*....#8! First page of Google! I am nailing these SEO techniques! Now to try to design the most efficient SEO technique possible so that I can do it for ALL my lenses without wasting an entire day on it...


PS. Woohoo!

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aRBie Premium
Congrats. You are an Article Marketer. Getting your articles, squiddo lenses, hub pages ranked should be your Priority. Too many people here write 100's of articles so that the backlinks will get a webpage ranked. This is totally backwards. Get your articles ranked and your website will soon follow.
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on all your hard work and success!
Barnabus Premium
PM4, See I told ya you could do it....Don't plan to go to Disneyland just must be doing something right...I sure hope you are taking notes on 'How to Get There'..Who knows..Make an E-book..sell as a product...make big bucks..Congrats..Barnabus
StacyS Premium
Congratulations!!!!! In my opinion there is nothing better than seeing your results pay off in rankings. It keeps me motivated every day. Though people say not to pay too much attention to rankings, I don't get really upset if my rankings are just helps me to keep going. :)
magistudio Premium
Nice work parkmouse - I know it's a great feeling to be on top of the Google heap. Now because you're a fellow Canuck - be sure to check and as you will get different results.