Good Times Acomin'

Last Update: June 04, 2010

No Image Available.  Yup.

Need somebody to snapshot me.  Hopefully not being thrown off my horse.  He's dressage  trained but he loves to run so fast his tail streams straight out in back..  I always offer up a little prayer that he actually sees the fence with his one eye.

 I am so excited about Wealthy Affiliates and so determined to learn and do well.  At 75 I'm here to tell you not to depend on social security.  I will not be dependent on anyone.  I was a single mom and I always worked long and hard to raise my son, but I will not burden his life by not taking care of myself now.  Older people need to step up to the plate.  When we talk you hear a lot of  "When we were kids and got in trouble in school we got it twice as bad from our parents.  Nowadays parents threaten to sue teachers.  Teaching is a noble profession.  Always was.  Needs to stay that way.  And they need a living wage, at least on a par with ballplayers.  They mold the minds of our children for Pete's sake; that's at least as important as a ball game.  This subject popped up because of the terrible things being done to teachers and the education system in Michigan.

If anyone thinks this is stream of consciousness instead of a blog, please tell me.  It's my first attempt at blogging.

Back to my lessons.  Nose to grindstone.  Onward, and all that.    Sylvia




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moonvine Premium
Hey Sylvia! Looks good to me. I am a senior too! Glad to see that there are others here past that magic age of 65! Keep blogging!