About Paso-love
Joined June 2010
Hi: I'm an OLD timer-- smiley face. I love horses, Paso Finos in particular. Currently caring for a rescue thoroughbred quarter horse cross who has only one eye. My beloved Ruby dog died last year. Just raised three feral kittens; now have five cats. The pasture is waiting to be mowed between thunder storms. Have to get someone to take a picture for this space. I'm a professional proof reader with more than 40 years experience. Trained in reflexology. Studying energy healing. EFT (Tapping is monumentally successful), so easy to learn and teach. Also old enough to be living? on social security and am HIGHLY MOTIVATED to learn Internet marketing and to introduce it to others who may be near starvation. I feel as if I'm playing hooky. Got to get back to my lessons. My real name is Sylvia.
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Duley Premium
Hi Sylvia,
How are you doing, and how is your internet marketing coming along? Just wanted to say hi.
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Sylvia, Hi there, A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking another step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing YOU All the Best in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family