Day 12 at WA

Last Update: April 28, 2011

Well I'm now coming up on two weeks at WA and time for my personal recap.

Have a site (actually have several) Note: domain name purchasing is easy; however, getting the site to actually look the way you want it to and function the way you want it is not as easy, LOL.  I am having FTP Upload problems with both the WA and CuteFTPle. Probably something so darn simple, but it still makes me want to hire a programmer so I can move on with some of my hair intact (what I have left at this point - LOL) It is truly frustrating to have the vision of what your site needs to look like but have such dificulties due to software/prgramming issues.  It is possibly the reason so many people do not suceed and last to long in IM, just a thought. 

Good thing  I am stubborn (Refuse to Fail) and have such a thick skull (doesn't hurt as bad when you bang your head on the wall).  I'll get through the first one then be able to replicate much quicker on the next 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7th etc. sites.

Have made what I feel are some very quality contacts here at WA and will continue to do so. BTW congrats to Cwillard77 who is on a Mission and Kicking Butt.  Nice to see someone with that kind of drive, energy, and focus at a younger age.  I'm as sure that "she will succeed" as I am that I will succeed here too, just might take me a little longer here due to my other business which is going great and phenominally busy.

I think that my other business has actually seen that I am devoting some of my time and efforts to IM and so it has gotten jealous.  It seems to have a plan to win back my full attention by increasing the phone traffic, sales, work load and other day to day issues.  This is obviously a great thing so I don't mind.

O.K. it's getting late and I'm getting tired so time for some sleep, my wife will be getting up at 3:00 am to start watching Royal Wedding Festivities, so I'm sure my nose will wake me up with the smell of the coffee soon after I fall asleep.  Got a big day tommorro, last Friday of the month so I'm sure the office will be a madhouse, and I'll be trying to get out early so I can go to my B-day dinner with my wonderful wife and my inlaws.


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