Day 6 At WA

Last Update: April 22, 2011

Published my 1st Resource here, put it in the wrong categorie at 1st so republished in the right one. It's not much but since i started navigating WA that way I'm picking up steam now. If you want to take a look "Click Here" (Nothing for sale just a WA Helper Post) Please rate and write a comment, I appreciate the feedback and hope it helps.

I've decided not to do a daily "Blog" in WA but will recap every week or so.  So far, I've found some promising Niches, got a website, considering buying a few others now that I'm getting the feel of what I need to do for each.  My 1st page still looks like crap though, but I found a new local tech guy that should be able to help me with that in the next week or so.  Tried my 1st Street article yesterday but didn't have my links cloaked so it was rejected at the final stage (Sigh) and I had some other work issues to deal with so I couldn't correct right then.  I tried to save it as a draft there but not sure it worked.  Going to look around this weekend and figure out the cloaking thing. 

Still no correct guess on where I'm flying in my profile pick.   

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