Has Google Gone Mad?

Last Update: February 09, 2011

Yesterday I posted about my site being suspended from google adwords. I had emailed them to try to get a clear answer why so I could resolve the issue.They did respond to me today, but they reviewed the wrong site this time so I still don't have an answer. I was shocked when they reviewed my page which is for my WA promotion and told me it was in violation because I was linking to WA. They stated in the email that WA was in violation of their policy and was merely a get rich quick site. Have they lost their minds or something, or do they just look at the pictures when they visit and not read a thing. I am a bit concerned because if this is a new thing for google they are going to give us affiliates a heck of a hard time. Anyways I have had to re email them to ask that they check the right page and tell me whats wrong not just point me to a thousand page policy and expect me to find the tiny thing they dislike so we will see what happens. If WA is not relevant enough for google then I do not Know what is.

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LeeLucky Premium
Crazy BIZNATS!!! Keep us up to date thanks for the info!!
phildeeze Premium
Thanks for the tip I actually already deleted all my adwords accounts and wont be using them. I only wanted to use them because I got free money when I purchased my domain but $25 isn't worth the headache they have given me.
Alex Copeland Premium
Adwords can ban your account for inactive campaigns they don't like as well so make sure you delete them all if you have any... Big G can suck...
jatdebeaune Premium
How are people supposed to learn IM if not through a site like WA? I'm having headaches with Google Affiliate Network. I don't understand what they are doing. It was great when it was Performics.
phildeeze Premium
Well I found some helpful posts on the forum and apparently google doesn't like WA on adwords so I will cancel my account. I still worry that my page will be blacklisted and taken out of their index but I guess I will have to see. I understand their dislike of make money online sites but my new site is a product promotion so Im still stumped. But if they don't want my money they wont get it.