Looking For Your Opinion

Last Update: July 20, 2011

Hey everyone it has been a while since my last post and I must admit when my sites began to make sales I got a bit lazy and was enjoying the profits without putting in work. I now find myself with a bit of a problem. All of the sites I have built are still in the top rankings for my keywords but I have a big problem with amazon. I am a California resident and due to new tax laws Amazon will no longer allow me to promote their products.

My Question is does anyone see an alternative to this. I can find most of my products on other sites but one of my most successful sites is focused on the kindle and amazons official cover. So in your opinion do you think it is wrong of me to simply create a new amazon account using my family's address in New York to avoid this problem. I don't see why this would be wrong because if they need to send the money to New York to avoid the new taxes of California I will simply have the money sent there and then receive it in another way.

Anyways I was just curious if anyone else is having this issue and has found a resolution to it. As always I wish you all the best of luck and hope everyone is finding success in this ever changing market of IM.

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magistudio Premium
Just found a video on it, kinda funny but paints a good picture: http://youtu.be/1ijHJuNZlvw
Slugger_mn Premium
I would create a new L.L.C. in another state. New Mexico is as well as Florida would be good places to do this. Florida has no state income tax, and allows for such behavior with their residents as this is known as a "Haven State". It is 30 dollars extra to have this done in a state outside of your own. I recommend doing this as soon as you can because it will only get harder as time goes on.
magistudio Premium
Move to Canada and stop stealing my niches! LOL.. just kidding. I think your method should be fine for a while but keep in mind that NY may be next in line for the tax laws and then you'd have to find another solution.