About PhilG
Joined December 2010
Hi its Phil again i think a bit more info about me is needed. I am sixty three years old and devorced i have two sons over fourty years of age and i have one grandson and three grand daughters,i enjoy course fishing,reading,watching films true stories mostly but i am a star trek fan big time.
I have done lots of different jobs all manual from working on a pig farm,electians
mate,woking in heat treatment plant,but at moment i am a self employed sign
fitter and handyman for my local estate agents its interesting work because i get to meet new people, but with the houseing market as it now i am looking for ways to make some money,maybe IM is the way to go i have only just joined
WA finding it interesting so far.
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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
klrrider Premium
Hi Phil and glad to have you as a fellow member. This is a great place to learn. It will be tough at times but I am sure you will work thru it. With your broad background and your figure it out skill that you have you will be fine. Any question give me a ring. Do good!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
HonestAffiliate Premium
Welcome to WA!! I'm new to too and I definitely believe the IM is the way to go. Keep up the training and stay committed and learn all you can!! Happy New Year.
PhilG Premium
Hi my name is Phil i live in the uk with my longtime companion Rooney( my staffordshire terrier),i injoy making new friends so please drop me line, sorry no pictures yet.