I missed the webinar!

Last Update: February 25, 2011

For as long as I have been a member here, I have NEVER missed one of Jays' webinars!  And I really wanted to attend it because setting up hosting is one of my biggest weakness.

Anyway! There is only 1 reason that will EVER make me miss a webinar! A family emergency. And that was the case tonight!  No, not my "human" family. But, my dogs.

My registered male pitbull, Puncho (the brown one), ran off behind some "stray" female dog! It happened right after their supper, and I let them out to go "do their business". I guess her "smell" was in the air, because he took straight off without even acknowledging me calling him! (And I thought I was the Master!! But, my vet did warn me about not having him FIXED!)

During the process of trying to find him, I called the service that I have my dogs microchipped through. Even though I never used it, they gave me H-E-L-L (excuse my language, but really they did!). The service wanted my ID #'s from the implanted chips and all!  Who remembers that stuff in a crisis? In the end, they did pinpoint Punchos' location still in our neighborhood.

Anyway, after over an hour of searching, my husband came home from work and joined in on the search for Puncho with us. We soon recieved a call from a neighbor suggesting that she may of seen him at another house. We walked over towards that house she suggested, while my husband called out for him. Usually our dogs would follow any command that my husband gives. (Everybody says that I'm too softspoken for my dogs to take me serious) But, not tonight. Still no Puncho.

To our surprise when we got to the house, the people were standing on the porch waiting for us. Letting us know that yes, Puncho was under their house. I guess the stray dog ran under their house to try to get away from him. And of course, he tried to go after her, tearing down some of the siding from around their porch.

Was my husband mad? Oh, yeah! Especially since he had to go under that house to get Puncho from under there. Talk about trying to "stop nature" from happening. Nonethless, trying to control a determined 80# pitbull! Plus, my husband had to fix the pieces of the porch that they say Puncho broke. Talk about getting off work and having to deal with this! Oh, and I forgot to mention that our town got 2 inches of rain ealier today and it may have been near 40 degrees outside.

To sum this all up, we all made it back home safe. Us humans, all might have the flu next week from being out in that weather! But, if I had to miss a webinar for anything like this again...I would do it all over again! Especially for the love of my dogs!

(Seriously, I hope this never happens again. I just may have to install a fence at least half way around my yard!)

Oh well, I can catch the recording from tonights' webinar. I'd hope for better luck next time!





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Labman_1 Premium
Ah, the joys of dog ownership. If you wish to leave him intact you are gonna need a bit of a refresher on coming with distractions. That or containment. A fence is a good solution. The best solution is recall drills. Until there is not a question of coming to you. I find that Liver treats are hard to resist. Neutro makes a roll of stuff that is like puppy crack. 10 minutes a day for the rest of his life should work.( Just kidding, keep it up until you are sure the behavior is rock solid). Oh, and the WAbinar was wonderful.
Labman_1 Premium
Ah, the joys of dog ownership. If you wish to leave him intact you are gonna need a bit of a refresher on coming with distractions. That or containment. A fence is a good solution. The best solution is recall drills. Until there is not a question of coming to you. I find that Liver treats are hard to resist. Neutro makes a roll of stuff that is like puppy crack. 10 minutes a day for the rest of his life should work.( Just kidding, keep it up until you are sure the behavior is rock solid).
wandah Premium
I missed it to will listen once its up. Yes we have dogs and love them so much. I agree the challenge is on when their is a whiff of a hot spicey for legged missy in the air. Glad you got him back and its all good.
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh Pounders, I missed it too, but intend to listen to the recording this weekend. Only excuse I have is I fell asleep after dinner. Rough week. I love Jay's WAbinars, so you know I had to be pretty exhausted to miss one.
Meadow Breeze Premium
Hi Pounders, The wabinar was Excellent! Thank Goodness you can still get to hear the recording. I always have to listen to the recordings to get all the details into notes. Sometimes I listen to a given session more than once. Glad you and your husband got Puncho back! I guess it could have been worse. Have a great day!