Mississippi under water!

Last Update: April 28, 2011

 Many of you have sent me countless PM's wondering where I've been this past week (I'm usually here on a regular basis trying to greet or help someone!). 

Anyway, I am alive and well (as we like to say in MS)! The floods in MS have not directly affected me nor my family! Thank God! Although some of my neighborhood have had a lot of wind damage. (This is a A NEARBY NEIGHBORHOOD  that had actual tornadoes! And this is only round 2 as the local news is reporting!)

If you havent heard about HOW TORNADOES HIT EVERYWHERE! you can read there!

And you know the flooding has to be bad if the CASINOS ARE CLOSING due to flooding!

On Sunday (5-1-11) the meteorologist suspect round 3- more flooding, tornadoes, and winds! 

At times like these, we all should be in prayer! So many natural disasters are all around us. Should make us all wonder.....???




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Sherion Premium
I am waiting to hear from some of my family in Alabama. Lots of damages there last night. Yes, do wonder. I do feel that some things are going on in this world spiritually that we need to start thinking about.