No website..No success!

Last Update: January 12, 2011

I have learned alot here at WA. One of the main things that I have learned is that without a website, you wont get very far. I believe the stories of people saying that they only write articles every day and make money. But, I dont believe that kind of LUCK is going to come my way.  

So, for the past almost week, I have been trying to set up my new website on Word Press. But to my LUCK, the site is either down or not working at all. I did successfully start a site using the blog and funnel. But, my real passion, a niche that I have been researching for weeks, I want to start a site with it on Word Press.

Yet, without being able to access it (WP), I am so frustrated that I could scream! Its like everything stops at this point until I get access to set up my site. I want all my sites hosted at the place I am paying my monthly fee for!  Frustration is really killing my spirits to continue.

But, I relate this to my main profession, nursing. When working the ER, and all hell breaks loose, I cant quit then. So, I'm not quitting now! Somewhere out there, is a solution to this problem! Just hoping to get it resolved before its tooooo late!


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