About Wojo
Joined July 2008
Hey all,

Ya thats me and my axe. Im an avid gamer and struggling marketer here to make a better life for me and my 6 yr old son pierce. i currently have a J.O.B. im a hydrographic surveyor/engineer. It pays the bills but keeps me tied up. So im looking to broaden my horizons and find a new career that will alot me the time my son deserves.
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robbied Premium
Hey! welcome!
Love the axe! I play bass guitar for a few years. Play in a Dad band with 4 other dads (our kids all go to the same school - all under age of 10). I hear ya about J.O.B - I got one too and planning to get out! Drop me a line anytime,
- Rob
robbied Premium
LOL, you can post the msg on my space too eh :) Then I'll get an email and know to come check. Never in a real band - I hardly call my band real :) We play lots of 70s rock (CCR, Dylan etc). We played out first gig at one of the guy's house parties this Summer, it was awesome!
robbied Premium
Your lens is way wicked - fantastic work! I don't even make them that detailed :)
Successful Troy Premium
Welcome to WA! Sounds like you have a busy life. I hope everything has gone well for you so far. Good luck to you.

Wojo Premium
LisaH. Thanks!

As for any tips...hmm..i just did my first lens, i think it came out pretty good....till i look at others...lol...so my tip as a total newb lens master....i think about 500 600 words should be suffice.. use some of the interactive modules like polls to keep the reader on your page just a bit longer, they may want to stay and read some more...use some graphics and oh learn a little html...thats the phase im in now html learning..make sure the url you pick i relvant to you subject, did you read potpiegirls tutorial....its pretty good also.
Wojo Premium
Troy thanks bro! and yes this life is pretty crazy but hey no one else is gonna do it for me.
best wojo
Wojo Premium
Jodie, Thank you. ya thats my son Pierce....one with his granda ma's deaf, blind dog..poor thing and the other on his first day at kindergarden last year....he is the best!
Wojo Premium
Robbied, thats awesome, i never played in a real band ..more like a buch of friends hangin out having a few beers ..lol
Thanks for the line.
Wojo Premium
Thanks for checking the lens out....if you wouldnt mind rating it that would be awesome....
House party huh...that does sound like a blast...dang i want to go play now...
Wojo Premium
yup, thats it..i thought thats what it was but when i went there it looked like a page was parked....ill try again later

thanks again
Wojo Premium
Hey PotPieGirl, is squidutils still having trouble?

i tried going there today and got nothing....just curious to know if you knew anything about it.
Wojo Premium
Awesome sounds like a plan, let me know if you need any help ill do my best to answer any questions.
Wojo Premium
Hey how are things going? what kind of site are you trying to make? i have used six rubix a time or two not a big big fan of it.....but it is great for making review type sites...let me know what troubles your having i might can help...i use frontpage its an html editor. if you know a little about the code itself its far more user friendly..just my opinion..where are you in the uk,...my father was in the military when i was younger..we used to live over there in a town just north of oxford called brackley...near banbury..i loved it..used to go to alton towers and warwick castle...oxford of course, london wales....we went all over...
Wojo Premium
Christie, thanks for the compliment on my son....he's a handful...looks like you have a handfull as well

hey don't hesitate to ask questions...i know a little about this and that and can at least get you in the right direction
Wojo Premium
Dang sorry to hear that......what kind of site are you trying to make?
lisah Premium
Hi Wojo - best wishes for you and your son :) I am going to try Squidoo soon. Any tips?
Wojo Premium
Lisa, hows the squidoo working out for you?
jpetals Premium
Hi wojo, I found you over on this side. :) Is that your son? He's dead cute!!!!
Wojo Premium
Hey jpetals,
how are things? i was just perusing through things here and saw you.

how are the lenses going...i got two more up so we'll see how they go...the first one i don't know if you remember it or not..any ways is up to 147 in seo..so im happy about that..

talk to you later