About R_wells
Joined January 2009
Hi, my names Ryan. I'm 31 years old, and tired of the daily grind that life seems to offer on a silver platter. I have not had much success in life as of yet, but am searching for it dilligently which is why I joined WA. I know it will take alot of hard work, but I'm here with a goal to write a testimony of how much earning potential there is for someone starting out new, with no previous knowledge of internet marketing. I know I will also have to overcome some well ingrained bad habits of trying to fly solo through life, and am willing now to start reaching out to the greater resources at my disposal. Well, I'm happy to be here, and I hope to grow, and develope skills that will someday allow me to give back to others the direction and guidance I receive as of now. I'm looking forward to meeting many of you, and hope to develope some valuable relationships as we all aim for the same objective, financial freedom.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TJ Books Premium
Click on my pic to reply. Welcome to WA, RW! Work hard. Work smart. Work often. John
TJ Books Premium
I've been at if for a long time and I have not had great success. But I'm still trying. Volume is one key but it does not guarantee results. With PPC it is relevancy. With articles, it is lots of good research. John
Thateldoo Premium
Never give up! It takes work, but you'll get over the mass of information on here and soon you'll be feeling very confident at IM.
Dan (thateldoo)
gd_babe Premium
Hey Ryan,
Just checking to see how it's going. So much reading to do, huh? I've decided I'm going to go the read and learn as much as possible first before jumping into trying to market a product. I figure I can minimize the mistakes along the way and maybe flatten out the learning curve.
Who knows? Trial and error, I suppose.
Back to reading week 3!
Hope all is going well for you.
Angie :)