About Thateldoo
Joined December 2008
Dan, here. My online name, Thateldoo, was taken from the movie "Babe", about the little pig and the farmer, who constantly said "That'll do, pig, that'll do"! My passion is like that of the little pig as I feel I have the opportunity to learn this system, grow with the great members I've seen here and have success based on how hard I work! I know it's up to me!
I love golf, am an Amateur Radio Operator and an Amateur Astronomer.
I'm a few months away from 63 and will wait till age 66 to retire to maximize SS and a pension I have waiting.
My background is Electronics and Quality Assurance.
The picture was taken two years ago while golfing on Kauai.
Thateldoo's Accomplishments

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ddogg4evr Premium
Congrats on retirement from paycheck world! If I can be of any help to you please let me know!
Thateldoo Premium
Hi Derek! Thanks for the congrats to my retirement! I know you'll be a great resource for information on my IM. I'll keep you posted on my progress and will wish you luck on yours!
Red.Dayton Premium
Hey Dan, Congratulations on the retirement, I guess you could say that I was forced into very early retirement when my job moved overseas.

Best of luck in all your endeavors!
Thateldoo Premium
Thanks Eddie for the well wishes on my retirement! I wish you well too! I know that you will make the best of WA. Good Luck...!
krafty Premium
Welcome to WA. Send me a message if there is something that I can help you with :)
krafty Premium
I read your blog post about learning im terms...when I first joined here, I thought that IM meant instant messaging :)
Thateldoo Premium
Thank you so much for the "welcome"! I'm anxious to get started but I want to stick with my 8 week study plan first! Maybe next week (week 2) I'll try to open my mind and give something a try...just don't know what the "something" will be! Any suggestions on what to do first? I'm unemployed and have 24/7 to work on WA.
Thateldoo Premium
Ben, thanks so much for the info about Squidoo. Folks, this guy is going places! Again, thanks!
Thateldoo Premium
LOL LOL...yes, IM, Instant Messages...! Maybe I will gather all the abbreviated slang and make a dictionary for newbies! Any suggestions? WA is great, just that I've had to stumble a few times for NOT knowing how some things work!
Randall M Premium
Welcome to WA Dan! I wish you the best of luck and have a very Merry Christmas!
Randall M Premium
Hi Dan,
I'm in Visalia, CA about 1 hour west of the giant sequoias. But my wife and I used to live on High Sierra Drive just 10 miles east of Visalia in the foothills. That's why I use High Sierra Marketing.
Merry Christmas!
Thateldoo Premium
Thanks for the warm welcome, and a welcome to you too! Your site, High Sierra Marketing, you wouldn't be close to the Sierra Nevada's, would you? I'm in the Reno area!
Thateldoo Premium
OK...understand the use of High Sierra! I see you have been on WA for nearly two months? What have you done so far...that is...WHERE SHOULD I BE IN TWO MONTHS...LOL...?
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
guitar fire Premium
Hey thateldoo,
Creative name...welcome to WA!
Wish you great success here,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Way to go Dan keep the kids happy that's cool.
You did send a private message and it came through just fine. It takes a little time to know the ropes around here but you are doing good. How's the 8 week course going?
Have a great Christmas,
Thateldoo Premium
Hi Sandi,
I thought I had dropped you a PM, but maybe it was a post in "Welcome". Anyway, it's the 23rd, have to write a letter to Santa tomorrow evening and ask that he keep be sure to stop by all the little kids of the world, as I know they will be waiting for his visit! Yes, I do that every year and tack the note to the front door!
You have a wonderful Christmas...!