About Ramona
Joined September 2008
I am so ready to start making some money, Real money! Tired of making chump change.
That is why I have rejoined WA.
Through out my time I have always helped other people . This time some one actually helped me, Kyle and Carson !
Thank you WA for helping me and not laughing at my STUPID questions!

Since I joined back in 2008 I have accomplished quite a bit.
1) I have a down line of 4800 people. ( You can ask me how I did this)
2) I own a small e-commerce business which is doing quite well.
Ramona's Accomplishments

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bigstevec Premium
hi ramona - congrats on your success - ok - i'll bite - how did you get a downline of 4800?
chunkynonkey Premium
you have a great spirit within you and this is good medicine to carry all of us thru the difficult times, i am in my sixties and bought my first laptop several months ago so at my age i am also a newbie!!
ramona Premium
I have went and setup squidoo page and it is half done. I've set up a bunch of accounts. I have accomplished absolutely nothing. Because I don't know where to begin. I set up with Linkshare and think i messed up something. I need help. please someone help me. I have never done Internet Marketing, Never realy even had time to search the web. Always had to go to work and never had time to get on the computer. But now I do and I want to learn. Does anyone have the heart or the patience to guide me just give me the first few steps to this? PLEASE.
ramona Premium
My Goodness, I just figured out how to upload a picture of myself. Yeah Buddy, I'm gonna make the big bucks at the rate I'm going. LOL
Pillar Premium
Hello ramona,

Up load a picture. I would like to see who is needing so much help... Love and Light... Gary
jcloake Premium
Hi, Ramona...
I just signed up last night...find internet marketing intriguing. We'll see where things go! =) Woohoo to making $ for yourself!
ramona Premium
Hey Jenn,
Hope your having a great day. When I said I am a NEWBIE did I forget to mention that also means to the COMPUTER. LOL
I don't even know what to do in a TWITTER. I got an account setup with one though !!!
I love dogs also. My Malamute died a couple years ago. Now I have a bird. Quaker Parrot. Lord help me. He drives me crazy very clingy. Worse than a dog.
Any ways I wish you well with this course. I could use all the help I can get.