How to get Traffic and a Down Line

Last Update: June 30, 2012, I'm Ramona and I want to make Money just like you! I'm not an Internet Expert, or a CEO of a Company. Let me rephrase that because , I guess I am the CEO of MY company. But, not an expert Internet/Network marketer. Just an average woman trying to make a descent income.

I have a few Web Sites I have put together on different things through out the years as I was trying to find the right Niche and how to get a down line and traffic to my websites. Into building them some of them have come together. Some of them are bummers!

I joined Wealthy Affiliates in 2008. I'm not as faithful with it as I should be. Since I have quite a bit going on. I do go back to it quite often though. Kyle and Carson are two great young guys. They have done really well for themselves putting together "Wealthy Affiliate". Having a down line of people on their face book page and plenty of traffic to their sites. They show you just how to do all that and more.

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