Posts by Rea 3
Hi All, This came through my email and I thought I should share ...No links.. I promise... Another thing, for those who get ArcaMax newsletters, just ignore the article... no need wasting your precious time, lol.... Finally, a big thank you to Sally  Neill for sharing... The article:- "I do not know if Evan Williams, creator of Twitter (and Blogger.Com before Google bought it) created Twitter as a marketing tool, but either way, marketers instantly seen t
Just discovered the Turn-key feeder sites under tools and Research... Made my day. So many ideas and possible niches one can get from the listings and reviews, Was also surprised to find The "Split That Fat (STF) Marketing BluePrint",, which I wouldn't have recognised if I hadn't read about it from the email Kyle & Carson sent a few days ago. Lol  The site is a gold mine but some Newbies like me, can miss out topics because there is so m
1 comment
March 05, 2010
 Hi, My name is Lois Chigovanyika.(Rea).I have just joined the Wealth Affiliate Community. I recently took early retirement from Nursing and have been trying to get a go at Affiliate Marketing with very little success. I saw a referal of WA from a Bum Marketing Group member and as a result, I joined WA. And From what I have read so far, I believe joining WA was a wise decision. There is so much scope for newbies to learn, acquire the necessary skills and build a viable business.   I w