Just Discovered The Turn-key Feeder Sites

Last Update: April 05, 2010

Just discovered the Turn-key feeder sites under tools and Research... Made my day.

So many ideas and possible niches one can get from the listings and reviews, Was also surprised to find The "Split That Fat (STF) Marketing BluePrint",, which I wouldn't have recognised if I hadn't read about it from the email Kyle & Carson sent a few days ago. Lol

 The site is a gold mine but some Newbies like me, can miss out topics because there is so much material to go through, especially on topics one is familiar with ... I need 28+ in my day  though.... haha!



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moonvine Premium
I think we could all use a few extra hours. you are right. there is so much to discover here, it's hard to imagine how anyone ever covers it all!