Posts by Rechest1 2
For all the new WA members,Internet Marketing Attention Deficit Disorder is the most common problem that we all have when starting out with Internet Marketing. No matter what business model you decide to follow, you will be constantly distracted by the next shiny object or marketing method that comes your way. Heck, even seasoned or experienced Internet Marketers (I’m not have a difficult time focusing on a single project. The key to success is to get Organized and stay Focused.
August 14, 2012
That's right, I had to "FIRE" some of my close friends today....... Lately, I've been spending a lot of time studying some of Jay's webinars, researching niches, keyword research and writing content for a couple of sites i'm about to roll out. But I seem to have lack of support from personal friends in my circle. Because I have turned down dinner invites and a weekend getaway, they feel that internet mar