Last Update: August 17, 2012
For all the new WA members,
Internet Marketing Attention Deficit Disorder is the most common problem that we all have when starting out with Internet Marketing. No matter what business model you decide to follow, you will be constantly distracted by the next shiny object or marketing method that comes your way. Heck, even seasoned or experienced Internet Marketers (I’m not have a difficult time focusing on a single project.

The key to success is to get Organized and stay Focused. Yeah, I know It’s a natural inclination to look for the fastest way to kickstart your business, but remember what you put into your business is what you’ll get out of it.

WA and the Open Education Project has all the resources and training for anyone to succeed and build an online business. If you didn’t know, now you do.....WA is the “TRUTH”.......that being said, focus on one method of marketing at a time and master it. All the other training is not going anywhere. As the internet changes, so does the training within WA and you won’t miss a beat. Knowing this should help you focus on one method/project at a time. Try taking notes, copy the training and answers that you receive from others in the OEP and file it. This way you’re not redundant with your questions and not wasting a lot of time searching for training that you have already went over. The forum is a great place to kick it with other members and get answers, but I wouldn’t recommend spending most of your time there because you can’t take action on what you learn in the forum........Hope this helps.

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betts Premium
Thank you for the blog post, it is great!!
mi6rima Premium
Diagnosis confirmed! I needed this, thank you!
OnlineFactory Premium
This is me! Sensible advice.
burntout Premium
Far to true... Great advice!