Hooray for the Sky Show !

Last Update: August 13, 2010

so I walked outside last night, a little after 11 pm local time.  This stray thought  was going thru my head as I stepped onto the grass, something like .....gosh I wonder if I will see any............ and that thought was accompanied by that little vague feeling of doubt...and exactly then I raised my eyes to the straightoverhead sky and a Huge, Long, Spectacular streak of a meteor flew in this beautiful arc right over my eyes.  Not just any ol' meteor , either. This baby had a super maroon color I don't think I have seen before in a meteor. Wow.

So I stayed out there for an hour or so. Flashes and streaks and arcs, quite a show.

I went out again, around 2 am.  So quiet this time of night.  I hear and feel the ocean, and  the gentle tradewinds, and the quiet is broken every few minutes by the "barking" of a little brown gecko. (how do some of these little things make such great big and wondrous sounds ???).  more streaks of silent meteors (silent to human ears, anyway !) Just as I am ready to pack it in for the night, there's this amazing one.  Not star-colored, but white with a hint of limegreen.  Instead of doing a single zip across a stretch of sky,  this one visually grew thicker as it flew. then  thicker again. and the color intensity waxed and waned.  then it blew itself out, leaving a faint trail that lasted several more seconds.  Designers of fireworks on earth, could use this as their prototype.

and you better believe, I will be out there again tonight !




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reefswimmer Premium
Gosh, Felio, I hope you and your son had a memorable quiet father/son time despite no meteors. The Perseid shower is viewed from the Northern hemisphere, they tell me. Even where I am (the islands of Hawaii) it is a less dramatic display than further north. Less dramatic in the sense of less frequent meteors to see during the display. Certainly the individual ones I saw were, some of them, just spectacular.
I have seen so little yet of Singapore---just enough to know it is indeed a spectacular little bit of planet earth itself. I look forward to a longer visit at some point. Enjoy your nation celebration year !
Diane, reefswimmer
Felio Premium
This year the most spectacular is not the meteor showers, but the fire works during Singapore's national celebration. The previous round, I only managed to see one or two after staying about for four hours lying in the park with my son till sunrise. How I wish to be able to enjoy what you had seen.
Louise M. Premium
How wonderful! Oh I so much wish I were in your garden! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Ahhhh...Wow! Diane. Cloudy sky here tonight, but there's always tomorrow. I fell for the Mars thing the last time it hit the Internet too. Just forgot. Must want to see such a spectacle. Mars really is large in the sky now, but certainly not the size of the moon. You can see it early morning. I'm leaving my post in because it's funny.