back after a lonnnnng absence for healthcare

Last Update: April 25, 2012

wow, i am back from about a year and a half away from WA! It was an excursion into the wild world of taking care of my health.. Four separate surgeries, a few other hospital stays, a couple pneumonias taking me back into hospitals, oh it goes on and on.

So, all is once again well, i am back in my beloved Pacific Ocean on my beloved Big Island. To swim again is the greatest joy, and I revel in it every day.

So, WA is in transition too ! becoming OEP, I gather. Can't find a common landing page anywhere, bunches of stuff are elusive to me. Like...can i add a post to my "old" blog??? I don't see where to do it, hence I am starting a new blog. Correct???

Soooo, I'll call this my first new post to check the process before I add real content.

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teacup Premium
welcome back! I missed you the first time around but I have a feeling that you are a fascinating person to know.
Deezdz Premium
Welcome back and nice to meet you reefswimmer =)
WayneBPK Premium
Welcome back:)
Labman_1 Premium
Yup, this is where you do it now. Things are still in transition as this interface is just under a month old. Every day we get a new feature, some of them undocumented (bugs) but there is never a dull moment in here. Welcome back. Glad to see you are on the mend.

Craig H.