Space Tweep

Last Update: September 14, 2011

Its official - I'm a space tweep (aka space nerd).  Yep, you heard me admit it.  While I am not as afflicted as some, I still am hooked on this space stuff.  For me, just seeing a rocket launch or looking way out into space is one of the greatest moments for me. In this case, standing a few feet from the space shuttle Endeavor was a dream come true!

I was fortunate to be picked from the stand bye list to participate in Nasa's Tweetup event on Sep 7 and 8.  If you follow @nasatweetup, you too can register for a chance to go to a tweetup.  Only 150 are selected to attend this event.  Tweetup events are for people who follow Nasa on Twitter and like space stuff.  The first day of the tweetup is a behind the scenes tour and the second day is getting to see a launch.  You get to hear some exciting speakers and meet some wonderful people.

Anyway, when people said it would change your life, I questioned how two days could do that.  After attending the Tweetup event, I now understand just how life changing this is for a person.  Reentry was difficult coming from the clouds back into real every day life.  

Anyway, if you want to see my pictures and read about my experiences, you can go to my website.

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