Submitting Articles Fail
I am perplexed after submitting an article today. I had spent considerable time writing it, refining it and having someone proof read it for me. Of course, when I submitted it, I saw on my dashboard page that it said "rejected". There were no emails to speak of or to inform me of this. The only way I knew it was rejected was by checking the status.
Confused by the generic message, I sent a PM hoping to get clarification. All I got was basically a repeat of what the generic message said and why this is such a concern. At no point was my concern explained or clarified. I was left wondering what I had failed to do. It is beyond my comprehension that one could fix whatever was wrong or learn to not repeat the same error, if they do not know what is wrong in the first place.
Sadly, I ended up deleting the article. I thought the article was very good and engaging and offered an idea that was quite helpful or in this case, inspirational. The funny thing in all of this, is the article was going to a site where I earn absolutely no money. I have the website set up in this way because it is a movement about changing the world, not earning money in this particular situation.
So either the people reviewing the articles do not read them or the machine tasked with approval is no smarter than siri trying to understand things it is not programmed to comprehend. Either way, the rejection is almost good enough for one of the jokes delivered on late night TV.
As much as I try to make light of the situation, the real result is that my movement suffered because of this. I am very passionate about this movement and I feel it is so needed in the world today. Unfortunately, it seems that any help needed to spread the word about the movement, will not come from article submissions.
Best Of Wishes To You