Submitting Articles Fail

Last Update: December 02, 2011

I am perplexed after submitting an article today.  I had spent considerable time writing it, refining it and having someone proof read it for me.  Of course, when I submitted it, I saw on my dashboard page that it said "rejected".  There were no emails to speak of or to inform me of this.  The only way I knew it was rejected was by checking the status.

Confused by the generic message, I sent a PM hoping to get clarification.  All I got was basically a repeat of what the generic message said and why this is such a concern.  At no point was my concern explained or clarified.  I was left wondering what I had failed to do.  It is beyond my comprehension that one could fix whatever was wrong or learn to not repeat the same error, if they do not know what is wrong in the first place.

Sadly, I ended up deleting the article. I thought the article was very good and engaging and offered an idea that was quite helpful or in this case, inspirational.  The funny thing in all of this, is the article was going to a site where I earn absolutely no money.  I have the website set up in this way because it is a movement about changing the world, not earning money in this particular situation.

So either the people reviewing the articles do not read them or the machine tasked with approval is no smarter than siri trying to understand things it is not programmed to comprehend.  Either way, the rejection is almost good enough for one of the jokes delivered on late night TV. 

As much as I try to make light of the situation, the real result is that my movement suffered because of this.  I am very passionate about this movement and I feel it is so needed in the world today.  Unfortunately, it seems that any help needed to spread the word about the movement, will not come from article submissions.  

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Sherion Premium
I don't see where you submitted the article. But, I would not give up so easily. Did you try to go further and send a PM? Sometimes there are mistakes on both ends. I have over 60 articles at SA and about another 70 spread out with Ezines and other directories. I have had my "rejections" too. Fix the problem. Don't just trash your article. If it was that good why trash it? If I spent time working on something good I would not trash it. Find out why it was rejected. Look it over, send it to other people to check it out to see what you may not have "seen." I have had to PM different article directories to find out "why". Once you really get the inside scoop on how each article directory is then you won't have so many rejections. My last article at Ezines was rejected 5 times. Till I got it right. Now, that aritcle is one of my best ones with CTR. Don't give it up. It does get easier and give yourself time to really get good at it. If you are passionate about it, then you won't quit. I have faith in you. You will do good.
Best Of Wishes To You
relaxing_piano Premium
I got no where with trying to contact someone. All i got was generalizations that didn't match up to the article. I posted it on another place. I didn't trash it. When you try to contact someone and they basically brush you off or ignore you, there isn't much else you can do with a site. I won't give up, but I wish at least someone would have explained why it was rejected instead of leaving me in the dark.
dataplextech Premium
If SA doesn't want the article, take it over to EzineArticles or another directory. It's not a bad idea to spread your work around. It's called diversification!
relaxing_piano Premium
Thanks - will check that out!
jatdebeaune Premium
I'd really like to read that article. Can use the inspiration. Maybe you can publish it on Ezine Articles.
relaxing_piano Premium
I'll probably post it on my main blog (the Non WA site). I've never posted anything to ezine yet. Maybe I need to figure that one out.
Labman_1 Premium
The 99%?
relaxing_piano Premium
Nothing to do with the 99% or maybe that one zipped right over my head. It could be that I'm just not awake enough yet either. :)