Financial Hell

Last Update: June 09, 2010


 My head is pounding at the moment. Its been a rough couple of months financially..that is one of the reasons I decided to take the plunge and try Internet Marketing..I have gotten to the lessons and Im still on track..its really hard to stay modivated lately..bills and rent has started to take a toll..Ive taken actions to help me in some way..Im just waiting for the results...and this has nothing to do with internet marketing yet..just my own business and work at the moment for which is very slow, very...I want to be in a place where Im actually owning and not renting..a place where I can take off for vacation without worry..a place where I can take care of myself,family and friends..I pray for that day..but right now Im a bit alot..Sorry..I hope this blog is not a drag..I just needed to vent a bit..I hope I find a that I can continue and focus on Internet Marketing... 

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Rich76 Premium
thank you guys for the support.
magistudio Premium
BTW, why don't you head over to the clickbank research tool and find a dance related product? You seem to be passionate about dance and in the tiny bit of research I did, it looks like a pretty good marketing to jump into.
magistudio Premium
I want you to go back to the feeling you had, when you first joined WA - remember that excitement and positive feeling? Feed off that. I wrote a WA blog post on this a little while back and would like you to read it. I hope it keeps your drive..
jatdebeaune Premium
Hang in there Rich. This economy has been a roller coaster ride. We're all going to survive it and prosper. Little steps make a difference. Even small profits can provide relief while working on the big stuff.
maureenhannan Premium
Sorry to hear things are so tough right now, Rich. That head-pounding, anxious feeling is the worst. Earlier this evening, I showed my kids that Will Smith video that's gone viral lately. Where he talks about success and tenacity and self-belief. If you haven't seen it, go look it up on YouTube--and I think you might get a little lift. Take care of yourself, and try to get enough sleep. Hard to feel optimistic when you're exhausted.