My second day!!!AHHHH!!

Last Update: May 18, 2010

Hello Everyone,

 Im fairly new to this program. Ive been on this computer all day..I think its time to take a break. There's so much to read and so much to learn. Im

So hungry to learn all there is to know. I know I need to slow down a bit. Im starting to get a headache..LOL. but I cant help it. I think im getting addicted. Im so inspired by so many succees stories that Ive read so far. My goal and hope is to be able to write a success story myself.  What brought me here? I have a side business..I call it side because..its really extra part time income. I teach dance on the weekends for Sweet Sixteens, Quinces and Weddings..its very rewarding..yet can fluctuate in clients and wear me down. I wanted to find a way to work online and from home to optimize clients and eventually run an online business.. I think this might be it..AHH..Hope, Faith and LOVE!!!

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Rich76 Premium
"So you think you think you can dance"" ..thats so funny..thank you...I think its more like 4 or more hours..watching and dancing myself.
jatdebeaune Premium
Rich, You can work 22 hours a day, but you have to leave 2 hours, or is it 4 a week for "So You Think You Can Dance".
Fallulah Premium
Hi Rich, Well that sounds familiar lol. The good thing about WA and being addicted is that you know you CAN take a break and when you come back you know the only way you'll be going is forward, even if sometimes you think it's round in circles lol. You WILL be absorbing priceless information :). Pace yourself and have fun, you're doing great :)
Rich76 Premium
Thanks Jay.. I will keep that in mind..I just need to be patient, work hard and believe. or my new motto and it might change. "Succees is possible when you plan, believe, take action and you will achieve" thanks for page. The sky is the limit and even then you can go further.
magistudio Premium
Awesome Rich!

Now, I want you to remember this day (and this post) for when the days of frustration come - and they most likely will.

I still get frustrating days with IM and when I do, this page reminds me that it's totally worth it.