About Robbeh
Joined September 2008
Why Hello there!!

I've decided to update my profile as it was quite outdated from the day I joined WA Haha!

I am now 24 years old and have been Internet Marketing for almost 3 years. I am still in school only now for Computer Programming instead of Business! I love it ten times more as it's my passion. I am a full time Internet Marketer when school doesn't get in the way and am currently in school as a fall back.

If I could give one thing to anyone new here starting out:

it's take action and be persistent!

Honestly for the longest time I made no money because I just didn't act. When I finally got my first site up is was a flop and made ZERO sales lol. Second time around I have sales rolling in after 1 week! Man what I would give to go back 3 years and attack that same niche!

I took a break after half a year of marketing and sold that same site for over $3000 and bought an iPhone and Mac as I wanted to get into iPhone development. I still develop apps for fun but have put it on hold while I learn Java. I needed some extra income after the summer so I returned to Internet Marketing and am I ever happy I did!

Now I am here today more equipped then ever. I have recently started my I.M. Blog:


I plan to use it for training videos as I needed a place to upload them for people like you to see. I also write anything I find interesting or on my mind!

Feel free to PM any questions you might have and don't be scared to Buddy Me!

Robbeh's Accomplishments

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davolfan Premium
Hi Robb, have tried to login to PLESK but the WA servers are down!!! Too bad, too sad.... Will try again & keep you posted
guitar fire Premium
Hi robb,
Cool pics! Good to have you here at WA! You have a great smile and looks like you follow it up with a great attitude.
Cheers to your success.
Guitar fire
Ntweetyd Premium
Welcome Robb....I joined only a few days before you. How are you doing with everything?? I'm soaking it all in!! Lots of information...but definitely enjoying the experience and the people are amazing here.
Good luck to you.
Jerri Premium
Hi Rob! Welcome to WA - I've just been here a couple days myself. It seems like a great place to be - Best of luck,
hcloward Premium
Wow Robb welcome! It sounds like you will be quite successful. This being your hobby will create more cashflow so you can really enjoy your college days! Keep in touch!
hcloward Premium
My lens has been an experience...hahaha! I chose to do it on Wealthy Affiliate which is super saturated. I am learning just how important keywords are so pay close attention. I hope you are having a great week!
hcloward Premium
I actually took the weekend off! I had some family business to take care of so I am SUPER behind!
Robbeh Premium
Hey! My first Buddy talk post - Thank you! lol I only hope you are right, I do my best and that's suffice for me - I mean hey I don't need the million dollar cottage or the nice new sports car - yes toys are nice but there are MUCH more important things in life which don't have a price tag.

You are a week ahead of me and I was wondering how things look next week. How is that first lense treating you? I hope all is well thus far and that there are many good days to come. Keep me posted - Robb
Robbeh Premium
Congrats on your first lense! Mine went OK for a first, I learned a lot and I have moved on to my second - I have an exam this week so it has come to a minor halt for now though. Picking WA is not a bad choice for a first, even though the market is super saturated, it is a good topic to start with so when you get to the untapped market you are ready to take it by storm.

Great week thus far thanks! I only hope yours was as good as mine. Make sure you share when you get your first sale! and if you ever want me to read over a lense drop me a message!

Cheers, Robb
Robbeh Premium
Hey, how have you been making out? Don't go MIA on us like I did (school got way to heavy and now I am back on track