About RobinV
Joined May 2010
Hello to all,
My name is Rob,44 years young and from Belgium(a little country in Europe).
Until now I always worked as a teamleader in several factory's.I'm at home since one year with some neckproblems and was looking for a second career.
So after going from this to that I decided to go for internet marketing and focus on a online business,otherwise I wouldn't be here ,right;).
That said,the road to achieve this will take some time altough,step by step i'll get where i want to be.
Let me finish this brief introduction and wishing you all, success today and in the near future.

RobinV's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
RobinV Premium
Thank you Jamie ....

You have a wonderful day there on the other side of the ocean;)

One love ,man
RobinV Premium
Thank you Jamie ....

You have a wonderful day there on the other side of the ocean;)

One love ,man
RobinV Premium
Hello and bonjour Louise,
I speak a bit of french to...hummm.
I most certainly will ask if i get lost,thank you!!!!
RobinV Premium
Hello and bonjour Louise,
I speak a bit of french to...hummm.
I most certainly will ask if i get lost,thank you!!!!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
RobinV Premium
Thank you Jamie,

Have a nice day on the other side of the ocean.

One love man......
RobinV Premium
Thank you Jamie,

Have a nice day on the other side of the ocean.

One love man......
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
RobinV Premium
Hello and bonjour Louise du Paris,
Thank you for adding me...
I most certainly will ask for help when I get lost here...;)
RobinV Premium
Hello to all,
My name is Rob,44 years young and from Belgium(a little country in Europe).
Until now I always worked as a teamleader in several factory's.I'm at home since one year with some neckproblems and was looking for a second career.
So after going from this to that I decided to go for internet marketing and focus on a online business,otherwise I wouldn't be here ,right;).
That said,the road to achieve this will take some time altough,step by step i'll get where i want to be.
Let me finish this brief introduction and wishing you all success today and in the near future.
