About RodezMallory
Joined October 2009
I am very new to internet marketing. I wanted to find a solid place that would give me the help that i need and send me in the direction that i need to go to succeed. A few years ago life got bad for me and now I am just trying to get back on my feet. I want to create a solid income from home to allow a better life for me, my fiance and daughter. So with that being said i waited to join wealthy affiliate but in order to learn how to do things you must be able to take risk and im pretty secure in thinking that this site is not just a risk. I hope to meet a ton of like minded individuals, create partnerships and gain the steps that i need to succeed.
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amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I hope you find the success you are seeking. Hey nice bike. I am Brian from Oregon. I am new to WA but am not new to affiliate marketing. If you need assistance I am willing to answer any questions I can. Just get ready to learn a lot here at WA. I am somewhat experienced at affiliate marketing so some of this is redundant for me but WA is so full of information that I am learning as well. The forum and all the tutorials from various members are really useful. Anyway, I wish you well.
RodezMallory Premium
ok thank you i'll be sure to ask if i get stuck
Gio Premium
The solid place that you have been looking for I believe that you may have fnd it. Wealthy Affiliate University has helped me imensely to anderstand what Internet Marketing is all about.

In a nutshel...things are easy when you know how and Kyle & Carson ...even though young they show an incredible maturity when they run their business as it depends on our satisfaction and they sure go long ways to please us all.

Wishing you all the best and if you ever feel like you want to discuss something you can use the forum to post your questions and engage into a discussion or message people you feel comfortable to talk your plans with.

All the best
RodezMallory Premium
Thanks so much for the welcome and info i'll be sure to post so i can find my questions.
idm Premium
You're in the right place. You'll get back more than you give here. The more you give, the better!
RodezMallory Premium
thanks i'm hoping that i can learn a lot so i can give a lot.
Manker521 Premium
Welcome to WA, you made a great choice. Best of luck!
RodezMallory Premium
Thank you so much. I feel that i made the right decision also.
albertkang7000 Premium
Welcome to WA University. You have come to the right place. This is the beginning and you have to be very very patient. Nothing is going to happen overnight. Success can only come through persistence and hard works. Just like in any universities, you will need time to learn. So, may you work hard and work smart so that you can provide financially for your family,
God bless
albertkang7000 Premium
A gold to encourage you to soar to the highest height and become the person that God wants you to be.
God bless
RodezMallory Premium
I definately know that success doesn't come overnight. I appreciate you saying that. I'm going to work long and hard hours and soak up as much as i can to achieve to success that i need and deserve. I'm really glad that i joined this site. every one is really nice and are not like buy this buy that. I know i'll get great help here and go in the right direction.
RodezMallory Premium
Much appreciated it