Going back through the action plan

Last Update: November 06, 2009

I'm going back through the action plan. I realized that i rushed through it in hopes of starting faster but the reality is that i didn't really learn anything doing that. So right now i'm taking it one step or day at a time and analyzing everything that i read. I remember reading in one week marketing and on some of the forums pot pie girls post about we scan we don't read. That's completely true and now that i'm forcing myself to read i'm understanding things on a whole different level. I have found some really crazy niches lately and i'm getting ready to promote them I just want to give myself a better understanding of what's going on before i actually do so. So every time that i have been logging on i go straight to the getting started button and read a little bit before where i left off to refresh my memory. I have also learned that coming up with niche ideas for myself is easier when playing with keywords other than going to dmoz.org or some other site even though i still go to those sites to look for niches. I'm having a better understanding of finding audiences and asking questions about that audience to better understand them. I'm not really too limited on funds right now i just like to play it smart so i'm going to do the free method of article marketing and seo until i accumulate enough money to not put a dent in my budget. And i have decided not to post my success story in the forum until i receive my first check. Another thing that i want to mention about the forum is that i know a lot of people post there but I'm choosing not to for right now because it seems that if someone is asking a question that they don't understand than other members come and bash that member and i rather be taking action other than surround myself in drama. Well now it's back to work through the getting started action plan. Just wanted to give an update for you guys that read my blog.

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slien Premium
I am so glad you made this post. I am basically doing the same thing. I am not usually a patient person so I went ahead & published a couple articles and doing a few other things to get my feet wet. Now that I've got that done, I had also decided to go back to the Action Plan & re-read it along with the other tutorials linked from it. Hopefully this strategy will be successful for both of us. Good luck.