About Rosewood
Joined June 2009
Hello every one, I am glad to be actively involved here at WA! I am not a newbie at internet marketing however I am not a seasoned "vet" at this time. I would have to say that I am at an intermediate level which is somewhere in between the two levels I just mentioned.
For approximately 24 years I have worked as a dj/emcee as well as in a host of other fields. Last year of 2008 I made the decision to take a break from dj/emcee work and put my efforts into online marketing. I have actually been at this for almost a full year but have learned so much regarding how to select offers and products to promote, the best venues to promote on (traffic exchanges, text ad exchanges, safe lists, classifieds, and many more) as well as some other tools and resources to us in order to assist with successful marketing efforts.
I do not know everything and am glad to be here as I believe that WA will help me to achieve my goal which is to obtain higher levels of success. I do not want success for myself only because I have realized this: "Success is only achieved when you are willing to share the methods of your success with other like minded people." I most certainly am always willing to learn , take advice and share information to help assist others in the achievement of their success goals and as a "team/family" I know that we can achieve what we all want. "Sometimes it's not enough to know what you want, but to know where to go to get it".
Let's assist one another and obtain the goals that we have set for ourselves.
Rosewood's Accomplishments

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DavidSchmidt Premium
You need to fix the link for your viral widget advertising link. http:////widgetquik.com/widget2.php?21stCenturyAllstars is what you have it at ;) Too many backslashes. Just thought you should know
DavidSchmidt Premium
You got it Rosewood! We are here to help each other too
tford27 Premium
I enjoyed some of your sites! keep up with the great work. Your my motivator :)
Steven.P Premium
lol whoa! welcome to wealthy affiliate you should feel right at home here good luck!!
Steven.P Premium
The best advice i can offer you is hustle hard, you seem like a smart guy, get straight to the point with this program put what your learning into action cause you know how it is were goign to make some mistakes blah blah blah so get your business moving asap so you get a better understanding of whats whats related to your business. Good luck if i can be of assistance just gimmie a shout
Steven.P Premium
Rosewood!!! NOW that's what i'm talking about i really liked your lens. Also do you mind if I PM you next week I am launching a NEW TRAFFIC EXCHANGE with a commission attached to it, No Minimum Payout, If your interested let me know, I was viewing some of your links. you can be one of the first to join and have massive referrals. i'll send you the link when i get the technical stuff down packed.

But again good article you sound like an authority dont get all big headed(lol) but you have the concept down packed. Thats a VERY good thing. write a few more of those babies your sitting pretty. takeitez!!!
Rosewood Premium
Thanks for the comment, lol, I hope that I do well here and any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated.
Rosewood Premium
Hi again, I wanted to let you know that I have just finished my second squidoo lens and am really excited about it and wanted to know if you would take a look at it and give me your opinion Here's the address of my lens http://www.squidoo.com/midas-touch-marketing
Rosewood Premium
Thanks for the comment on my lens, i appreciate the of of confidence from you. Please do PM me about what you were telling me about I would like the opportunity to collaborate with you and get things moving. I also want to know if I can PM you I got an issue and want to know if you can provide me some insight on how it can be resolved. Thanks for every thing and I sent you some WA Gold for your support. B Kewl!