About Sadfrog
Joined June 2010
For the last nine years I've driven around the country in one of those big trucks you see on the road every day. Even though my wife and I have a home and five acres in Texas, I didn't get to see much of her or our place either one during that time. I did get to see some of the best parts of the USA and had some crazy times kicking freight around but t's time for me to come off the road and settle down.

Before getting the wild idea to drive truck I dabbled in computer graphics and was interested in the web for about ten years. Of course I had my trusty laptop on the truck so I was able to keep up a little with tech trends. Because I've been curious as to how the web and internet work I've been able to teach myself a bit about building web applications in PHP, XHTML, and Javascript. I still like to goof around with the graphics but have never thought I could really do anything significant with these interests.

Since I've climbed down out of the driver's seat I've been researching the web, trying to find something to do that's related to computers and the internet. I just knew there was some way to follow my interests, make ends meet, and enjoy doing it.

A couple of months ago I ran across the idea of internet marketing. The more I looked into it the deeper it got and I decided if I was to persue this route further I'd need help, and lots of it. I don't remember how it actually happened but somewhere along the line I ran across the Wealthy Affiliate site. I've been dropping by occasionally while working on some projects and last week I decided to join up and just take the leap.

The timing of the membership fee increase was just right for me. That alone sealed the deal. By the way, as a sidenote, one of the reasons I hesitated was the lower price. I just couldn't believe you would get so much for such a small investment. Well, anyway, here I am trying to get started and working at getting organized. I'm also having to make myself open up to the community and I'm skiddish about that. I'll probably stay in the lower gears for a while until I feel confident enough to walk it up to highway speeds.

My screen name is 'sadfrog' which is short for 'loudsadfrog' and that's an anagram for my name, actually my middle and last name. Two words. See if you can solve the riddle.

Thanks. Glad to be here.
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webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
WriterGig Premium
Welcome, enjoy the journey!
sadfrog Premium
Thanks. Glad to meet you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
sadfrog Premium
Thanks for the welcome. That was quick.