Day 2

Last Update: March 11, 2010

Day number two and things are moving along.  I’m still using the “Wealthy Affiliate” site to learn the information that I’ll need to start doing affiliate marketing as a business.  I’ve still been searching for other means of learning this information too but from what I’ve found the WA web site still seems to be the best route to what I need.   I completed the first two lessons on the first day so I'm waiting to move on to the next lesson.  While waiting I’ve had time to search through the site and I have to admit, there really is quite a bit of great information that would be of use to anyone at any level in the business.  Even seasoned pros should be able find useful information here. One interesting thing that’s happened is the huge amount of current members that have gone out of there way to say hello and offer their help at any time. Not just new users like myself but quite a few of “old members” that have been at this for years.  What I find really interesting is that these people have been members for up to five years as best as I can tell.  Not many subscription sites have the staying power to keep members for more than a few months let alone five years.  That's pretty impressive. I’ve actually had the opportunity to pose a couple questions to one of the well seasoned members.  She was more than happy to give me all of the help that I needed. So, I guess I could say, “So far so good.”  I can’t wait to start seeing some financial gain from my efforts but after all it’s only day 2.  Maybe tomorrow. Ha Ha!!!! Anyway, See ya soon.

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indy29 Premium
great post. Good things to hear considering I am brand new to it all and I mean the internet and marketing. This is both exciting and challenging for me so I am glad to see you think well of the program.