Day #5
Here we are at day number five and still moving along. I just finished lesson number three. I was unsure sometimes if I would ever see the end. There was the main lesson and the numerous sub lessons and even a few sub sub lessons thrown in. It was a little hard to keep track of at times but with some good note taking I finally reached the end. OK, now with the whining out of the way I have to say, "WOW" what a great lesson. There was so much great information and links to outside resourses that it's true that one would really have to want to fail to not be successful at this. So, now that lesson number three is finished I have exactly 5 days, 16 minutes, 34 seconds before I can move on to the next lesson. While I'm looking forward to moving on to the next lesson I hope to make the most out of the wait time. Maybe I can even get a campaign started. I have to admit that I have discovered how to read the next lesson without the wait but the break time should be worthwhile if not profitable. Anyway, that's enough rambling. Be back soon.