About Sararcunha
Joined July 2012
Hi everyone,
I am from Lisbon, Portugal. Beautifull country, beautifull city!
Just joined WA.
Never ever worked in anything internet related but am eager to start e learn how to succeed!
Looking forward!
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Deezdz Premium
Hi there sararcunha. Welcome to WA. You've definitely come to the right place to learn how to succeed when working online. All the best ~ Denise
sararcunha Premium
Hi Deezdz! Thank you for the welcome and for your words! I am really excited!! Best of luck for you too!!
inner1beauty Premium
Hello and welcome to WA :-)
sararcunha Premium
Thank you!!
Mr.Niceguy Premium
Sararcunha! Welcome and good luck to you : )
sararcunha Premium
Thank you!!
mama2karsten Premium
Best of luck to you!
mama2karsten Premium
Good day and welcome to WA! Getting started is the hardest part of internet marketing.
There are no magic beans here... but you will gain the skills and knowledge to be
successful. It is hard work with great rewards.

May I suggest starting with "Your First 10 Days program"... it will give you the basics and get you headed in the right direction. If you feel lost, get confused, or just have questions, don't hesitate to ask. There are many here who will be more than happy to help. Post your question here in your dashboard or live chat... check the tutorials, look in the forum as well, but whatever you do ASK if you need help. I look forward to seeing your progress.

We all started in the same place at one time or another. Happy Learning! I hope at the
end of your 10 days, you join our wonderful community of learning, sharing, helping,
supporting and succeeding. _Julie
sararcunha Premium
Thank you Julie! Have started the program today!! Great expectations for the upcoming 9 days! :)