Posts by Sararcunha 3
August 02, 2012
Hi guys!Am in desperate need of your help here!I found my niche and starting to really dig in but I am blocked with keywords!...I am starting and online Portuguese wine shop, but primarly focusing on Brazil market (as it is easy to export there and they have a huge potential market there) but am blocked on finding relevant keywords in Portuguese....Can you help me here?Thanks everyone!
July 29, 2012
Hi everyone,Following Steve's step by step to get started on WA he challenged us to put our 2012 objectives list here on our blog.I didn't had a list by the beggining of the year, but if I did, am pretty sure it would have looked something like this:1 - survive through breat cancer.That's it.This was my 2012 goal.And now that is almost August and I have, thankfully, survived and live to tell the story, I find myself with still more 5 months until 2013.This gives me plenty of time to
July 29, 2012
Hi everyone!Congrats to me! This is my new blog, my first born!!First things first: I should warn you that I am not a creative person! I am a doer, I am also a thinker, but creative? No way!So now that I warned you, I promisse I will do by best to keep things interesting around here, but if Nature takes its course, remember I did gave you a headsup!!So here I am, 33 now and commited to change my life.Been through some ups and downs, like eveyrone, but I am determined to make my path to become my