Blog & Funnel That is Half Alive, Super Affiliate that Isn't Super...

Last Update: July 03, 2010

I don't really want to sound like I'm whinging but I am just not happy the way my WA is going at the moment.  As a  Super Affiliate, it seems I am extremely a mess.  

Actually, I didn't have a hard time choosing a product to promote because from day 1 I was determined to be a Super Affiliate promoting WAU.  However, one by one I'm being knocked back by some changes that happened here.  

First, the price increase.  I feel that to get people sign up is tougher already but I thought well, this is a challenge and I still believe in this 'product'  so I'll stick with it.  

Secondly, I created a website and now it's superseded by the blog & funnel and along the way I somehow erased the blog and funnel when I did the Wordpress.  Everything just went tumbling down on me.  I had to do the blog and funnel 5 times until I got it right.  

Thirdly, now that my Blog and Funnel is up, some parts do not connect.  The Opt In form (where customer sign for Training) won't connect.  Then I don't know where to place the Aweber Opt in (for customers to receive emails).  I asked for help and as everyone is obviously busy, I don't have any answer (except thesue who PM me about it and I appreciate that a lot).  The issues are technical I don't know where to go.  I am already wasting time for two or three weeks now.  I am going on holiday soon.  What it means is that if this is not resolved, I will be looking at  WASTE of time, money, effort and STRESS.  

At the moment I am disappointed.  I spend hours and hours on this but it's not going anywhere.  In other words I am stuck.  I can't do any campaign at all with a Blog and Funnel that's half alive.  Anybody who will sign up for training will get an Oops ERRor.   How is that for a campaign?   I stopped any article submission because linking it to the Blog and Funnel that is half operational is pointless.  

I tried to check here many times today if anybody was able to give an answer to my questions at the forum, yet of the thousands of members, I only got one reply (from thesue) yet she couldn't help either.  This is a critical point in my WA life wherein all the plans I had couldn't be implemented because of the technical side of things that I don't know how to fix.  

I don't want to really decide when I am upset but honestly, I am seriously thinking of quitting.  



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magicman Premium
I'm new to WA, but not to failure in internet marketing. I just want to urge you to hang in there. My first web site and ebook were both dreadful (8 months ago) and really had to be killed. Just too ugly to live. Did some article marketing with s Squidoo lens and sold some affiliate products, but can't get my money out of ClickBank because nobody yest has used a mastercard (don't ask--I just figured a way around it). Put up another lens that went nowhere. Put up a health site that fairly good...just not producting much revenue. Wrote a special report that seems to resonate and looks great. Now have a very good e-book based off a PLR product. Put up a diet blog that sucks wind. Joined WA and learned more about keyword research in two days that I did in the previous 8 months.

NOW...working of a Wordpress site here. Of course, I picked one of the hardest sites in the entire catalog to customize because I just dug it. Should have it ready for prime time in a week or so and have already started working on the first articles for it.

So, here's my take on all this. There is no easy way to the pot of's a series of small steps forward and backwards until the forward step are winning. You can do this. So other members haven't been a lot of help? Dig into the tutorials. Post for Kyle or Carson in the forum. Keep pushing forward. Find your blogging "voice" through effort. I believe this service is one of the the two best on the internet and they can pry my membership card from my cold dead fingers! I wish you all the best. Whatever you do, don't stress on holiday. Have some fun!!
Marcus Premium
I feel I can reply to this post because I have replied to your questions in the forum, and many PM's about your issues.

First of all, the blog and funnel really is a simple system to get in place. I don't say this to try and iron over any cracks; I say it because I work with Super Affiliates who set up their blog funnels on a daily basis.

Yes there will be minor issues sometimes...but I can assure that the system works as we suggest - we wouldn't have it in place if it didn't.

Regarding your issues, well first of all I will say that your Aweber issue is almost certain because the Aweber list name you entered when you set your funnel up doesn't correspond with the list name you have in place inside Aweber. Definitely check that.

As for the Aweber don't need to put it anywhere...the blog system does all that for you. All you have to do is have the domain in place and hosted at WA, and have the correct list name set up inside Aweber (as mentioned above). This process is covered within the blog set up process, and in the tutorials that I've mentioned to you before.

As mentioned in our PM's, most of the issues with your blog funnel set up did come about when you replaced your WA blog funnel with a Wordpress Express blog, and you shouldn't beat yourself up about making that mistake. As you know, rectifying that issue is an easy process...just overwrite it again!

The final point I'd like to make is something that I mentioned to you in one of our PM conversations...if you are having a number of issues with your domain (due to the overwrite issues), it might be worth getting a new domain.

I seem to remember you had a .info domain, and if you're not in a position to buy a new one then I'll buy one for you if it means getting you back on track.

I appreciate it can get very frustrating sometimes with so much going on here at WA, but sometimes it helps to take a step back and go through the process again. More often than not this will solve your issues.

Hope this helps,

Felio Premium
I can understand how you feel. Your frustrations when things don't work as what you think. I've not reach your stage using Blog and Funnel. Seems that there are 3 website development tools in WA. Site Rubix, Blog and Funnel and the latest addition - WordPress Express. Which to use? For us newbies, this is quite confusing. I think as what you shared, you were caught in some technical conflicts when you tried using WordPress Express - your Blog and Funnel data was erased. I'm still struggling to decide which to choose. Hope some experienced members can guide us.
tport144 Premium
Did you follow all of the steps at Aweber to set up the Opt in? The Aweber site was confusing to me, but I just followed the step-by-step on the bottom of the screen. In regards to placing the Opt in box, I added pages through the WordPress Admin and it was already there (I think it's in the CSS or something??). I added it to my home page by copying and pasting the HTML code into one of the "boxes" (working with Site Rubix).