Last Update: June 14, 2010

 IT'S TRUE what Kyle & Carson and all the other experts here have been encouraging us newbies to do, that is to take ACTION.   I'm a member of WA for 3 months today and it has been quite a journey from learning, to earning and now blogging.   I will keep this short forgive me if I sound a bit an i-me-mine but it's my story I want to share, hopefully someone will learn from it.  

I started at WA quite wobbly.  
  • Shortly after I signed up, my husband's surgeon informed him that he was to have his surgery in a week's time.  So I had to do all the wifely duties (in between I try to read and pile my already burgeoning trainings/lessons at WA). Thank God all went well with the surgery.  The day I brought my husband home, I was informed by my ObGyn that MY surgery will be in a fortnight (a cancer scare that was so it had to be ASAP).  One sickie after the other and so I had the whole two weeks to continue my lessons at WA and then 2 weeks off after the operation (or semi off).   We're not an old couple believe me (hahahaha) but it's just one of those times when you get those abnormal cells around your innards and doctors find them and get rid of them.  
  • The day before my surgery, I got tangled with a prior commitment to attend an 'internet marketing seminar' in one of the 5star hotels.  I just had to attend and glad I did because the seminar confirmed that my choice to sign up with WA was a wise decision.  Details will be in my next Blogs.  
My operation was successful and I was cleared from the big C.  The rest are just follow ups.  And so my WA lessons continues as usual.  :) Focus Focus 
  • So much lessons and NO  Action.  Then the Announcement.  The increase in WA caught me off guard.  I was quite concerned that pushing super affiliate will even be more difficult.  I haven't earned a cent!  Anyway, i tried one on one invitation to my family and friends.  I wasn't interested in selling hard.  I was more focused on who among I tapped would respond and and make further inquiry.  Of the 10, only 2 responded.  They signed up and are fired up to do it now.  So yaaaa...I got the SALE!!!   The idea that I have friends around to discuss and share about the business was foremost for me.  My challenge is to help them out as well and together realise success.  As any of the members here would probably agree, it is always a great feeling of accomplishment  if your recruits will be successful, even if what we initially do is open doors for them.  
  • Then the changes at WA added blogs turnkey, Aweber.  I just had to click here and there a bit unsure where all this is going now with the increase.  But  I woke up one morning  and decided it's time get this business in full throttle.  It is time to get serious and take action.  I realised that the increase didn't bother me much.  I'm thinking if someone is serious enough to want to do it, he/she should be prepared to pay for it.   This isn't a bargain hunters' product.  I don't want to waste my time for 'cheapies' out there who want to earn but do not want to spend for it.  Hellooo  
  • I compiled articles that haven't been submitted because I lacked the confidence to do it.  I wasn't sure whether it will pass the standards set by the article sites specially ezine.  (I got some good content I think) :)
  • The past long weekend here has been set as my 'article submission'  weekend and I DID IT.  My articles are now up and running.  google ranking #1 and 2 today.  However not without drama though.  (see my blog under Articles Marketing at the forum).  I'm just so glad my first attempts were all accepted.  
  • My article writing and submission will continue everyday ( 2 articles a day).  My actual target is 60 articles in one month's time because we're going on a caravan/camping trip for 2 weeks in July.   I will be doing a lot of photography out there in the wild so my time for the internet will be very limited.  
  • I have also arranged for PPC to start. Hmmm I got naughty here because I enlisted someone to do my campaign.  (it's a consultative process but they do it for me).  I will definitely let you all know of its outcome.  
Let me encourage anyone whose confidence may be dwindling, newbies specially, that the big part of your success in internet marketing or Affiliate marketing is YOU, your mind, your mind and your mind.  You dictate your mind that you can't do it and you will get all the reasons why you cannot do it.  
See you around and have a great, blessed week.  

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Felio Premium
You greatly inspire me. You are a superwoman. Given you a gold for your effort.
maureenhannan Premium
Wow, Shaselle! You are a powerhouse! It's really helpful to see your process and to know what goals you are setting for yourself. Congrats on the WA sales--that is really great. I should look into the turnkey blog, I think....
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for sharing. Glad you and your husband are well and that you are full throttle into your business.