Back for good!

Last Update: April 26, 2012

WOW, Things have changed here for sure. Took a long break away from Wealthy Affiliate, 1 year in fact, but boy I'm glad to be back. I had a lot of free time when I first joined this and I got a job in sales and it just drained all the time I had for this. But I quit that job for now, I am looking for another job but this time I'm going to manage my time better, so I can work on my internet marketing.

I have to say things have changed a little bit here. Site looks very different and more i guess user friendly. It's gotten more organized I feel. I have to say when I first saw it I thought I was in a wrong website and kept going back to Google to type "wealthy affiliate", "wealthy affiliate university". I think the "The Open Education Project" line made me think that way. Anyway I have to say, after clicking around and browsing the changes, that overwhelming feeling of the old WA has disappeared. They have also deleted some of the old courses and material and have added some new content and tools, which I'm sure will help my endeavors. Well I'm here to stay this time and work on my IM. It's do or die right now and I'm not gonna quit!

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Praise Premium
Glad you're back. Perhaps you'll have a chance to listen to Jay's (magistudios) webinar tonight - How to Recruit Local Marketing Clients
ShaunFern Premium
where can I listen? sorry I'm still getting use to everything again.
jpnetco Premium
Welcome back, Prodigal Son, the OEP is the fatted calf, prepared for your return.
ShaunFern Premium
:) thanks jpnetco, yeah better be ready for me haha :)
thevaz74 Premium
Welcome back Shaun!
ShaunFern Premium
Thank you :)
Carson Premium
ShaunFern Premium
Thanks Carson :)