Busy Busy Busy!

Last Update: March 07, 2011

Last couple of days have been pretty hectic, planning my first campaign and getting it up and running. I was really stuck; I didn't know what niche to choose. I followed my training from the action plan and some other resources and chose not to just pick a profitable niche, but something that I will enjoy doing. I just want to tell people, don't spend too much time picking a niche. Just choose something you will enjoy (or you know about). What you will end up spending a lot of time on, is researching.

 So as of now, my niche, domain, hosting and website have been set-up. I haven't added content yet, but will be busy doing that in the days to come. It's been less than 2 weeks since I've joined WA and I'm really happy with my progress. I'm also really active on forum, always reading posts and probably have spent about 40+ hours on Internet Marketing so far.

My plans for the near future, is to set-up another campaign, although I don't recommend this to others, I have a bit of time on my hands and I love working on my internet marketing now. I use to be addicted to Facebook, like most of us out there. Now being addicted IM not only good for my future but my knowledge as well.

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laydeemoon Premium
good for you! are you in the 30-day club as well, if so what day are you on now?